James P. Sumner | International Bestselling Author

Danger Close (GlobaTech, Book 3)

(16 customer reviews)


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Danger Close (GlobaTech, Book 3)

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A nation stands divided on the brink of war. Time is running out.

GlobaTech is called upon to act as peacekeepers while diplomatic options are explored.

But one mistake could cost thousands of lives.

Paluga is a small South American country torn apart by civil unrest. Jericho Stone leads a peacekeeping force on behalf of the U.N. to help bring stability to the region. But an unexpected terrorist attack changes everything.

GlobaTech must face enemies on and off the battlefield if they are to survive the coming storm. They are the world’s only hope, but they can’t help anyone if they don’t exist.

An intelligent, politically charged thriller that draws disturbing parallels to the world we live in. With large-scale action and a gripping storyline, this is the perfect read for fans of James Rosone and Chris Ryan.

Start reading today.


GENRE: Military Techno-thriller
KEY THEMES: Conspiracy, Espionage, Politics, Private Military, Terrorism, War

16 reviews for Danger Close (GlobaTech, Book 3)

  1. Viragored

    Disclaimer: I was lucky enough to be invited to read the book ahead of release, in exchange for an honest review. So here’s the review.
    First the not-so-good news. My tastes don’t normally take me to books featuring soldiers, armies, gun battles, or that sort of thing. So I am reviewing a book that I wouldn’t normally have read.
    Now the much-better news. The story is engaging, well written, has some intriguingly creative content, and a good pace. Even though it’s not really “my thing”, I did want to keep reading it to find out what would happen next.
    What I did actually enjoy was the quality of the author’s writing – well chosen words, enough description to allow the reader to visualise their own people and places, and not too much detail in the descriptions of violence or romantic material. I hope this won’t be a spoiler – one sentence that stood out to me was, “Just above it, the ENGAGED sign illuminated.” That said so little, but said so much. I hope that sentence gives you as much pleasure as it did me.
    To summarise: if the idea of high-tech dirty deeds by people aiming for world domination is your thing, I think you’d rate the book five stars. It’s only because I’m not someone who would normally read this genre that I’m giving it four stars.

  2. Craig Neal

    es at his best, the book is a thrill a minute, exactly what you want in a thriller. Leaves you wanting more and roll on the next book in the series. I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed by any of the books James has written. It is always a good day when a new book is released. All I can say is you will be happy you bought it and cannot wait for the next chapter in this adventure.

  3. Jim Pyke

    Was privileged to be given the chance to read this book prior to release. This book is very well written, on point with current global issues and set at a cracking pace. This is I think third book in the series and like the previous books, tells the story without glorifying the violence and carnage caused with the coup. I look forward with hope and anticipation to the next in this epic series. 9/10 would recommend to my fellow readers of this genre 👍👍

  4. michaelcw

    I read this book prior to it’s release. If you like action and lots of story directions this book has it. One of the best in the Globatech series.
    Well-written and one finds oneself wanting to find out what happens next throughout the book.Can’t wait for the next installment to see what will happen.

  5. lee Cogger

    Disclaimer: I was given the opportunity to receive a free copy early to provide an honest review on release day. However, the author did not see this review before posting and had no input in the review content.
    Danger Close – GlobaTech. A no spoilers review!
    Now I feel I should preface this review with the fact I am a fan of James P Sumner. The Adrian Hell series is superb and a read I recommend to anyone who will listen and several who won’t.
    I will start with the bad because that’s going to take less time than the good! It is also me desperately trying to find something that isn’t positive, and it is difficult! In places, this story might have benefited from a touch more detail and being a little longer. I can’t give a page count as it was an ebook, so the number of pages depended on the font size, but I felt the story was over quickly. This might also be seen as a good thing because I read it in a couple of sittings as it was engaging.
    The positive! Danger Close is, as all James’ books are, well written, engaging and generally fast-paced, so you don’t get bored. I know that might seem contradictory given the negative comment earlier, but it makes sense in my head! I found there was enough character detail, so you develop a relationship with them and care what happens to them. I don’t think in this novel there was sufficient time scope to see any character development.
    I enjoy an action book; see the mention above of the A.H series, and Danger Close lives up to what I would expect from James. It isn’t full-on action on every page, but it is there to keep you interested intertwined well with an actual story.
    I thought everything was believable as well. There wasn’t anything in the story that seems outrageous, although I have no idea how important that was to James when writing this novel.
    The ending has me wanting the next book, though, which is lovely to have a cliff hanger but gimme the next instalment as I want to know more!
    TLDR: Well worth a read if possibly a little short.

  6. Teresa F Collins

    I received a review copy from the author at my request and this is my honest opinion. This is one more action-filled, character-driven, tech-enhanced story. The characters have a tendency to be larger than life, but don’t become caricatures. In my opinion, that is a fine line an author has to walk; to create characters that engage the reader with their abilities without wandering into the world of “superheroes”. Mr. Sumner walks that line quite well. His characters come off the page as people one would expect to encounter in the military, not ones wearing disguises and capes.
    The technology aspects of the story are realistic with a touch of futuristic thrown in for good measure. And if you are looking for real action that never lets up, this is the series you’ve been looking for.
    Unfortunately, Mr. Sumner’s language leaves much to be desired when it comes to the use of profanity, but then no one’s perfect. Too many authors think it is necessary in order to write a good thriller, but I beg to differ. So if that bothers you, you might want to skip this book. But I’d really hate to see you miss out.
    One thing I have to commend Mr. Sumner for is his use of the required “sex scene”. I’m not going to get into my feelings regarding that, but I do want to give credit where credit is due. There are a couple of sex scenes here, but nothing that could even begin to be called graphic. It was such a nice change from authors who feel it is necessary to describe every detail. If I wanted that I wouldn’t be reading thrillers.
    All in all, this is an awesome book that I highly recommend., but to get the best enjoyment from it, you should really read the series in order.

  7. PaulChelt

    The next Thrillerverse book was given to me early as an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I will be buying the book on release; I enjoyed the book and respect the author that much.
    From the talented storyteller James P Sumner comes the next book in the Thrillerverse, following on from Roachford. It started off getting political and I worried it would lose me but it trod the line carefully and made a great read of action and intrigue, bringing together strands from previous books. From a battle for control of the South American island nation of Paluga to a mad chase across America, the measures GlobaTech take are relentless.
    I have been waiting for this book and wasn’t disappointed. Another moving Acknowledgments section makes delightful reading, my heart soared. Some revealing Epilogues too.

  8. Ann Davis

    I wouldn’t normally read books about military situations, but I’m a fan of James Sumner (and an even bigger of the Adrian Hell series), so I’m going to read whatever he writes, even if it’s the cereal box 🙂 Danger Close is well written, no surprise there, and the characters and plot are believable. You won’t be disappointed if you buy a copy of this book, though I would suggest that you read at least the previous two GlobaTech books before reading this one, but that’s just me, I can’t read things out of order.
    Disclaimer: I was fortunate to receive an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

  9. Janet

    True to James Summers this is a fast moving thriller. It is one that you don’t put down I enjoyed the read and look forward to more books to follow.

  10. Bruce Bockman

    Danger Close: A Thriller is the third installment in the GlobaTech thriller series from Author James P Sumner. Following the exploits of three main characters that comprise an elite squad of a private American contracting company tasked by the UN with essentially protecting the entire planet from all manner of evil-doers (bad actors in today’s parlance), Danger Close varies notably from the prior two iterations in that the three protagonists are uncharacteristically separated and sent to handle three different assignments individually, all which appear outside their personal strengths and comfort zones.
    Jericho Stone, massive physical specimen and perfect soldier/fighting machine, is sent to a tiny South American country on the brink of civil war, not only to lead the GlobaTech presence in protecting the newly elected president from a brewing military coup, but to be a calming, diplomatic presence. More adept at finishing wars than preventing them, diplomacy is definitely not his forte. Irish rogue and comic relief Ray Collins, meanwhile, is dispatched on a top-secret-super-serious clandestine governmental meeting in DC, also not where one would expect to send the wise-cracking, skirt-chasing, and all-too-often inappropriate Irishman. And lastly, the head of GT’s most effective unit, Julie Fisher, is ordered home on extended leave following the death of her father—and although she needs it, being without work and her team is the last thing she wants.
    Naturally, this being a Sumner book after all, everything quickly goes to hell in a handbasket and the thrill-ride of intrigue, mayhem, and high body counts is in high gear. The band will get back together, from both near and far, to lend mutual support, and GT’s fearless leader Moses Buchanan deservedly and wonderfully gets an expanded role as the underlying intrigue is ratcheted up several full levels, reaching the highest levels of the seats of power in government and industry.
    Without giving away any spoilers, since you want to be able to enjoy all the twists for yourself, this novel approach has some distinct advantages. Seeing the characters independently shows their interaction with new people, revealing new facets of their character and background, and letting us get to know them in a different way. It also allows the story to expand in scope, and this story is big—huge even, as it plays around the edges of some of the greatest challenges we are faced with today, “ripped from the headlines” as the cliché goes, and the truly global implications that entails. At the same time, Sumner makes sure we still have the familiar camaraderie that he’s built among the team—the warmth, the humor, the ball-busting—that makes us feel close to them and root for them big-time. It’s a real accomplishment and expansion on the GlobaTech and Thrillerverse concept.
    What if this, the third book of this series, is the very first book you’ve come across, will you like it? In other words, does it work as a standalone? It absolutely does. The characters are easily definable, the action taught and exciting, and there’s nothing that came before that would make it impossible to understand the action of this book if you didn’t have the knowledge from the previous books. Now, is it even better if you have read the previous books? Well, of course it is. The characters are your old friends, and when you have a talented author like Sumner, they are consistent and therefore you really know them; their idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses, what they are feeling, and can even anticipate how they will respond to situations. The plots, background, and characters do carry over and overlap, so it will be even richer and more meaningful. So yeah, if you have the time, read ‘em all. Or start with this one because it’s handy, and when you love it, and you will, go back to the beginning and read ‘em all. Fair warning, that’s what will happen, guaranteed.
    Also, for any newbie, just a brief word about Mr Sumner, author. He started with the creation of a truly unique and incredible character, Adrian Hell. This is a must read, with I believe eight novels, a novella, and five short stories? If you like Jack Reacher, John Milton, Jack Noble, or any of the other unique, morally centered, lone-wolf, defender-of-the-little-guy-(or girl), meta-human literary creations cruising around mostly America righting wrongs and taking names, you will LOVE Adrian Hell. Anyway, there are a couple of standalone novels (of original characters), and then this, the GlobaTech series, and the creation of what Sumner calls the Thrillerverse. If this sounds suspiciously like Marvels Cinematic Universe (MCU), this is no accident. Mr. Sumner has quite ambitiously designed and written these novels that intersect and overlap chronologically and conceptually, including the plot lines and characters, so that even though they work individually, they also work collectively as a series of interlocking novels. For example, the events of the first GlobaTech novel, D.E.A.D. Till I Die, actually take place within, and overlapping, the time between the Adrian Hell novel #4, Deadly Intent, and Adrian Hell #5, A Necessary Kill. It’s quite ambitious and really a whole new way of thinking about publishing in this new digital age of being a “thriller author”. There are even “bonus scenes” that appear after the acknowledgements at the end of the books, so be sure and stick around for those…
    Mr. Sumner’s writing style is similarly cinematic. By that I mean that it feels very visual, as though you are reading a film script written in novel form. The writing is economical but not sparse, all description is useful, describing the scene as it would appear to the character so that you can picture in your mind what it would look like if you were actually there at that moment, as opposed to a description from a catalog trying to sell you the décor of the location. When the action kicks in, as it does rather expeditiously and repeatedly (it is a thriller) the descriptions are limited to the action that is germane to the main characters or the outcome of the battle—nothing extraneous, nothing written just to show how smart the author is (I really hate that). All in all, it’s pretty much a non-stop thrill ride that actually feels like you’re on the ride, with copious amounts of comic relief, heart, things that matter (if I may be so bold), and just pure reading enjoyment.
    The only downside is Mr. Sumner’s work is highly addictive (it should come with a warning label), and he simply can’t write fast enough to keep up with his readers’ demand. Write faster, dammit, write faster. And more.
    Love ‘em all, highly recommend.
    I did receive an advance copy of this book in exchange for this honest review.

  11. Swan

    More unputdownable fast paced action from James Summner.
    If you already like his books, this is more from Jericho, Julie and Ray. If you are new to his books, it works as a stand alone read.
    Highly recommended.
    I recieved a free, pre release copy of the book.

  12. Lynn Hallbrooks

    I think this book is a wonderful follow on of two of the previous Thrillerverse books, “Hard To Kill” and “Blowback”. If you haven’t read those (or any of the Adrian Hell/GlobaTech universe books), you might feel a little lost. If you have read them, you’ll discover enough mention of events to clue you into what happened and perhaps the story will give you a hint of things to come.

    Personally, I can see immense growth in James P. Sumner’s writing. I could feel more depth in the emotions the characters were experiencing.

    Disclaimer: I was provided an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book. I voluntarily read this book and am providing my honest thoughts.

  13. b.f. bayha

    I was privileged to be given the chance to read this book prior to release. Expect no spoilers.
    Quite enjoyed this book. Almost didn’t want to put it down.
    The writing is clear and has a much lower than usual times when one needs to suspend belief, which is a peeve of mine. Oh, well, there was this one thing…. where… um, no… people do dumb stuff, even those most elite… and this story captures that without getting goofy. (Never was a fan of James Bond; did you guess?)
    This isn’t the first in the series, but it’s mostly stand alone as a story.

  14. Terrill D. Carpenter

    Highly Recommended Reading…Remember It Is A Series!

    My headline for this review is my first caveat. It is a series, and that means there are previous books in it, I strongly suggest you, as a reader, begin with the first book and work your way to this one. There are only two ahead of ir, and you will enjoy this one so much more if you do so. Don’t worry as the two previous books while excellent are not quite as good as this one. Just my honest opinion.

    Quite frankly I was almost overwhelmed by the scope of this addition to the “GlobaTech Series”. The skill the author shows not only with the plot, but also with his character development is phenomenal.

    I did receive an “Advanced Readers Copy” of this book in exchange for agreeing to provide an “honest review”. This is that review based upon my sole, and subjective enjoyment.

    I’ve read a great many of the author’s previous books, including all of this series to date, and I have to say that in my personal opinion this is going to be an exceedingly difficult book for him to top. It adds a new bar for him to reach in future additions to the series.

    To say the story is “gripping” is in my opinion an understatement, not doing it justice. The plot is in fact mesmerizing and the author’s characters are diverse, exciting, (without being super-human), and at times quite humorous.

    I’m looking forward to the next book in this series, and after reading this, as well as its predecessors, I am certain you shall be looking forward to it as well.

    Please take the time to read the author’s blurb, and then the reviews, and I’m certain after doing so you too shall acquire this extremely good read.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my review, and thank you Mr. James P. Sumner for the joy you have brought me with this addition to the “GlobaTech Series”.

  15. Paul Duke

    Loved the book, story and characters. A great series.

  16. Julie Stafford

    This is the third book in James P. Sumner’s “GlobaTech Series” and it is as masterfully done as all his books are. Mr. Sumner creates the best, most life like characters and the world he creates for them is always spot on. . You will feel like you are in the middle of the action. This is definitely a page turner and even though I haven’t read the first or second book in the series I had no problems following the story. Someone is out to destroy GlobalTech and they are the world peacekeepers for the UN, and many more entities. This was an action packed read and I had a hard time putting it down. I’m definitely going read #1 and #2. I am also anxious to get the next book in the series. While this can be read as a stand alone I’m sure that the first two books will fill in the backstory. I loved this book and highly recommend the entire series.

    I requested to read this book as an ARC and am leaving my honest opinion.

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